A 2016 Guide for Electoral College Electors

Congratulations on your selection to represent the United States constitution as an Elector for the Electoral college.  This guide is intended to help organize the discussion, confirmation, and selection of the president during the Electoral College deliberations. As an officer of the United States Government and representative of the People, it is your duty to protect and defend the Nation and the Constitution by ensuring that the next President was properly elected and is fit for duty and command.

Since your service is solemn and legal, your first duty as an Officer of the Electoral College is to take the Elector Oath, which is essentially the same as the Oath of Office for the President of the United States.

Elector Oath

“I do solemnly swear and affirm that I will faithfully elect the President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Like the President, you have now sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. You are responsible to act as the final of the “Checks and Balances” designed into our  presidential selection system to defend our nation and its people from threats: foreign, domestic, and natural.

You have a solemn and Historic responsibility,  equal to any Founding Father. It is your duty to act heroically if necessary to defend the Constitution and the Nation.

Process of Confirmation

Before a candidate can be elected, he or she must be confirmed through investigation and affirmation by the Electors. The vetting by a political Party during the nomination process does not supersede your duties as an Elector to ensure that the person selected to be president is not a threat to the Nation and is fit for duty.

The Process of Confirmation consists of a series of votes to ensure that the selected President is qualified for office, was fairly elected, is dedicated to the office, is free from foreign influence, is sane and rational, and is unimpeachable at the time the office is obtained.

Since a threat to the planet’s ecosystem is a threat to the Nation, the nominee must also be qualified to defend the Nation from the imminent threat posed by climate change.

A set of Votes of Confirmation are used to guarantee that the candidate is qualified, of sound mind, and fit for command.

Votes of Confirmation

  1. Does the candidate meet the qualifications of Article Two of the constitution?
  2. Was the election conducted fairly without foreign, criminal or technical interference?
  3. Is the candidate free from obligations or responsibilities which present a conflict of interest to serving the people of the nation.
  4. Is the candidate free from influence or obligation to foreign powers?
  5. Is the candidate sane and rational, without episodes demonstrating lack of self control, loss of reason, or reliance on non-facts or fantasy to justify behavior and decisions.
  6. Is the candidate free of acts of Treason or High Crimes and Misdemeanors which would make the candidate impeachable?
  7. Is the candidate dedicated to protecting the nation by protecting the planet from climate change?
  8. Shall the candidate be elected as President of the United States?

Voting Process

Prior to the vote for each question, each Elector will be given an opportunity to present evidence and opinions about the vote in question.  Each Elector shall vote on each question. All votes are counted individually. To prevent parliamentary mischief, there is no vote by proclamation (for example, a yea or nea voice vote is not allowed).

To prevent filibuster, for each vote each Elector shall be limited to 30 minutes of proclamation, unless the time is  extended by point of order and majority vote of the Electoral College body.  Electors may chose to delegate their time to another Elector.

Once all Votes of Confirmation are affirmed by majority vote of the Electors, the President has been selected.

If any Vote of Confirmation results in a majority of Electors voting that a candidate is not Confirmed, then the candidate is disqualified and may not be elected to the Office of President of the United States. When the presidential nominee is disqualified, the process of Selecting an Alternate Nominee is used.

Electing the President

If the primary candidate was not disqualified and received 270 or more electoral votes, then, congratulations, the president has been elected.

Selecting an Alternate Nominee

If the candidate voted for by the People is disqualified by the Electoral College Votes of Confirmation, an Alternate Nominee is selected. Selecting an Alternate Nominee involves compiling a list of alternate candidates, selecting the alternate nominee, and performing the Votes of Confirmation for the alternate nominee.

If an alternate nominee is also disqualified by the Votes of Confirmation, another alternate candidate must be selected.

To uphold the spirit of the election, the Alternate Nominee should be of the same party as the primary nominee, although candidates from any party may be considered if no other qualified candidates emerge.  A best-case choice for Alternate Nominee is a “Qualified Candidate”, which is one of:

  1. A prior viable presidential candidate in the same party. For 2016, these are Mitt Romney or John McCain.
  2. A competitive candidate eliminated in the presidential primary. For 2016, these include Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and John Kasich.
  3. The vice-presidential nominee. For 2016, this is Mike Pence.
  4. The opposing party candidate. For 2016, this is Hillary Clinton.
  5. A winner of the popular vote in a presidential election. For 2016, this is Al Gore and Hillary Clinton.
  6. Any other candidate nominated by majority vote of Electors.

The process for selecting the Alternate Nominee is:

  1. A qualified candidate is nominated by an Elector. Each Elector may nominate one Alternate Nominee.
  2. A vote is taken of the Electors to approve the Nominee as a candidate in the Pool of Nominees.  A majority vote is necessary to declare the nominee to be in the Pool of Nominees.
  3. Once a Pool of Nominees has been selected,  a series of rounds votes are taken of the Electoral College Body, where each vote the pool of Nominees is divided by two, unless there are only three nominees are left at which case the pool is reduced to two. A final vote between two candidates determines to Alternate Nominee from the Pool of Nominees.
  4. After the Alternate Nominee is selected, the Votes of Confirmation are performed on the Alternate Nominee.

The Alternate Nominee must earn 270 electoral votes to become President.

If the Alternate Nominee is disqualified by the Votes of Confirmation, the voting process for Alternate Nominee is repeated for each Alternate Candidate with the next-fewer votes from the prior round.

Getting Started

The first step to electing a qualified presidential nominee is to form a parliamentary body composed of a quorum of Electors, then vote to adopt the 2016 Electoral College Process of Presidential Confirmation as the guideline for electing the president.  With this vote in hand, oaths are taken and the Votes of Confirmation can be performed on the primary candidate. If the candidate is disqualified, the process for Selecting and Alternate Nominee is used to select a qualified president.

Duties of the Electors

Your duty as an Elector is to your party and your State to elect a representative president and vice president; however, you are also beholden to your duties as a United States citizen to protect the Constitution, to ensure the peaceful, civil, and morally defensible continuance of our Republic,  and to protect our nation from war, malicious intent, foreign influence, and climate change.  Your duty to your country and your planet supersedes your duty to your Party and State.

These are times never before seen in history.  Future history, if any, is watching your heroic actions. The planetary ecosystem is at risk. Billions of souls are at risk.  Your duty is to act as would a Founding Father to protect the Constitution; your duty is to act to protect the People and protect the children;  your duty is to act to protect the planetary ecosystem.

Your duty is to preserve Democracy and save the planet. Vote wisely.